Thursday, February 26, 2009

Azida's New Motto

I was attracted to Ms. Azida's new motto...."When you love something, go crazy and buy everything there is".

I love her motto and I agreed with her motto....and the $$$$ should also being taken in I right? Mrs. Izwanee once tell me..."If you love that shoe, just buy...don't wait for the then there were no size for you"...and I still remember until now. We love shopping for shoes...right?

My current motto would be..."When you love something, go crazy". That my motto. Right now, I love "Boys Before Flowers"...and I'm going crazy.

Right now...the DVD still not in the I have to be patient.


Anonymous said...

I like the motto too and i guess everyone swear by it whether we realise it or not..Just make sure you have someone to shout at you when you go wont believe how far we go from reality when we go crazy too much over something..

Azida said...

Usually when u love something, ur heart and intuition will tell u. U just *know* that its for u.

Last time I didnt quite master this concept when I go shopping, so I'll end up with lotsa useless clothes, shoes, etc, but now I know better..

Yes wanie, when u see something u really like, just buy.. nanti out of stock or takde size..

Azida said...

wanie.. i know ur crazy and angau now.. so ur motto also suits u just fine.. sebab dvd tu takde jual lagi.. if ada jual, mesti ur new motto will become like mine.. hahaha...

Ezan a.k.a Anee said...

hhehehhe..i share the same motto too... kalau x beli...mesti kempunan and terbayang2 jer bila balik rumah

can't wait to see you guys again...missed the gossips and hangout!

Norwanie said...

umi...betul. kena ada org yg kena ingatkan...kalau tak terbabas.

azida...betul and mmg betul...tapi must make sure ada duit nyer. sekarang ni my target is the dvd. for this meantime ler.

ezan...ko ler yg mengajar aku bershopping...:) in a good way ler. especially shoes.