Sunday, October 26, 2008


I just consume this product for the past two weeks. The main intention of course to lose all those excess fats and weights.

Actually it was quite hard for me not to eat as I normally eat, which is eat everything that look delicious and mouth watering (as writing, I've already can pictured all the food that I loved).

Since I've paid a big amount for this Herbalife product, I can't wasted the money... am I right? So, I stick to the product, not like the product doesn't taste good....actually it taste so good.

I've already lose 2.3kg until today. I think I've already lose around 3.0kg but because of all the open houses, I've cheated so much.... However, I still lose 2.3kg.... I'll considered okey... :)

Hope to lose more and more kilos....

I'm just afraid to pass every weekend I have. Weekdays are so easy for me... have the shake in the morning, eat something for lunch and have the shake again for dinner. But weekend..... so hard, plus with the open houses' invitation, food at home, outing with friends (Ms Azida help me) at shopping malls with lots of lots food eateries and of course next weekend I'm going to cheat again big one...

As for tomorrow, I have date with Ms Azida for some cheap shopping, I'll bring along the Tea Mix and the shake for you to taste... see ya. Hope I can endure myself.

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