Thursday, November 13, 2008

After A Month

After four (4) weeks consuming the Herbalife product, I have lost around 3kg. Actually it quite slow compared with other people. Some people can even lose around 3kg in a week. I think my metabolism is low because when I first start using Herbalife, my Body Metabolic Age (BMA) was 46. It means that my body working like 46 years old lady.... see how old I am (so sad). After three (3) weeks consuming the product, my BMA reduce to 41. Now I'm 5 years younger but still older than my actual have to struggle more!!!


Azida said...

Wanie! I support u! Now, the secret is NOT to think about food so much, tapi kita sume suka makan, so mcm mana..?

Norwanie said...

we can eat. i promise you, we still can enjoy eating....but i have some limitation to it. just that. thanx for your you.

Anonymous said...

Wanie..well done you..eeee, jealous..nak kurus jugak..

Norwanie said...

Jom kita sama-sama kuruskan badan... Umi try ler Herbalife. Kat UK pun ada kan...

Anonymous said...

kat sini x well known la herbalife..btw lapar x ko diet mende ni..aku ni susah sket bab2 kene makan supplement ni

Norwanie said...

aku ambik for breakfast and dinner, normally. so, kalau aku nak dinner real food aku ambik for lunch and vice versa. Lepas makan tu boleh tahan up to 4-5 hours baru rasa lapar.

the taste is good, tak ler rasa macam makan ubat or what.