Follow this step :
If you prefer to know the number in calories.... just multiply the kilojoules with 0.239
Example: If I wanna maintain my weight of 55kg (if only I'm 55kg).
55kg x 101.3 = 5,571.50 kJ
5,571.50 kJ x 0.239 = 1,331.60 calories
Our family have new member this month and please don't be shock, not that I'm pregnant (hope I will, one day)... just my sister in law delivered a baby boy... a cute and Chinese look baby boy weighted 3.3kg.....
I've took a leave last Thursday just for the Metrojaya Warehouse Sales. I went alone since no ones are available on that day. I've arrived at the Stadium Malawati Shah Alam around 9.15am and people already there waiting for the stadium to open at 10.00am. Glad I'm there early.
Since my mother was in KL again for her works, I've spend every Sunday with her. Last 2 weeks we went to KLCC. Actually, we wanna go to Pavillion, because I've took a wrong road, we just head to KLCC.
When to Parkson Grand at Ipoh Parade with my dearest mother, she was going to buy her night cream and powder at Estee Lauder's counter. There were this make-up sets promotion, you can purchase the make-up set with a price of RM220 with every purchase of RM230.My Mother : Nie, murah ni. Nak ker?
Me : Errhhhh...tak sure ler. Bukan pakai selalu pun.
My Mother : Kalau nak, mama belikan.
Me : Mama nak belikan? Oooo (sambil tersenyum)... okey la kot.
The main item that attract me the most was the lipstick colour and the MagnaScopic mascara. I loved all three colours (from left : Nude Rose, Crystal Pink and Crystal Baby).
I love you, Mama. I've love when she's working... always buying things for me. Thank you very very much.