Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wahiza Wedding

Last weekend, I went back to my hometown in Ipoh. Since it was school holiday, there were so many cars on the road. So, it took us about two hours to reach Ipoh from KL Sentral.

Ms. Dils arrived at my parent's house around 12.30pm and we went to Wahiza's wedding with Man. The map in Wahiza's invitation card was very clear that we do not have any problem to find her house even though I have been to her house before but the route was quite difficult compared to the map given.

Ms. Dils, The Gorgeous Bride....Mrs. Wahiza, Ms. Umie...The Bridemaid, Ms. Erma and Me

The food was excellent. I loved it. But I know that Wahiza prefered Ayam Masak Merah than Ayam Berempah. While we at the wedding, we meet some of our friends during school time that we haven't meet in years...especially Wan Ezwa Rina.

This picture was taken while the Wedding Couple was Bersanding

Every time...when I remember Wan, I've always remember times when we were in Form 4 and were placed in the same dorm B6 and being caught by Ms. Mona (our warden) because it was past our bedtime and we still laughing and cheering.

Me, Ms. Dils, Ms. Wan Ezwa Rina, Mrs. Suazmah with her daughter, Ms. Erma and Ms. Alina

Above was the last picture taken and Man was not in any picture since he's already at the car waiting for me and Ms. Dils. By 2.15pm, we have to leave the kenduri since Man has his own agenda for the day....FISHING.

To Wahiza....Have a happy and wonderful life as husband and wife.

* Ms. Azida can't make it to the wedding since she has to fetch her mother back from Umrah.


Phab Babe said...

Seronok dapat jumpe kawan2 lame kan..wish bole stay lame & sembang2..

Norwanie said...

Tu time ler. Kena rancang bebetul...jumpa kat ipoh. unless yang kat perak nak turun kl ler.

diLs said...

aku nak letak kat fesbuk la gambo2 nih..

Norwanie said...

nanti aku uploadkan kat facebook :)

CherieBoyd said...

wanie..thank u for the wish..
and to korg2 sume, thanx a lot for coming ya..really3x appreciate it..
aku pon ndak sgt rasanya join sembang masa apakan daya..xpe..hopefully kt wedding org lain aku leh join sembang2.. cepat2 ar sket 'org lain' tu..;-D

Azida said...

wahiza!!! you look so gorgeous!!! seri pengantin la nie.. congratulations again... lepas nie, tunggu turn kitorang dapat seri pengantin plak ya.. hehehehe