Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Activities

Yesterday, I went to The Garden again and met Ms. Azida there for our exercise activity a.k.a window shopping and some money spending session.

First Activity

Tokyo Lash Bar. Ms. Azida wants to have the artificial eye lash. So we went to Shu emura at Robinson. Ms. Azida end up buying the eye lash and the glue. The eye lash was definately gorgeous. You could see the effect. The eye lash which Ms. Azida bought is around RM55 plus the glue Rm30. The eye lash were re-usable.

Second Activity

Collection of Birthday Token. When to L'occitane to collect my new membership card and small birthday token from L'occitane. I've got RM20 voucher and a note book. I like the note book. Actually I like everything that's free. Who won't?...:)

Third Activity

Late Lunch. We have our late lunch at Alexis. We ordered Pepperoni Pizza and 2 Plain Water. Both of us have already taken light lunch before we met. Ms. Dils liked this place and both of us also definately wouldn't mind to hangout there again.

Fourth Activity

MPH Bookstore. Ms. Azida thinking of buying The Twilight and I want to collect my book voucher of only Rm18. Ms. Azida end up buying 2 books, The Twilight (the first book) and the fouth book (I can't remember the title). I've bought a book by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Ain't She Sweet?

Fifth Activity

Black Eyeliner. I just out of black eyeliner. So, I need a new one. We went to every cosmetic counter and store. End up I don't buy any eyeliner because better to wait for the sales event next week which came with free voucher.

We tried the the Laura Mercier's Body Lotion. The smell was very very very nice. I loved the Creme Brulee. Yummy.

Sixth Activity

We went seperate way since Ms. Azida was going home and I'm going to pick up my mother. I went to a hair salon, Andy Ho and purchase a dandruff shampoo and treatment for my hair. Hope it works.
Seventh Activity

Pick up my mother at KTM and send her to the hotel and have dinner with her.


Anonymous said...

Korang tak pegi wedding ainul ke?

Azida said...

Oooh, cantik, menarik, tertarik, ku memang da bomb! haha..

Norwanie said...

A'ah aku tak pergi. Gi merisik for adik ipar aku hari sabtu pagi tu. Tu yg tak balik ipoh. Nasib baik aku gi dia tunang hari tu...

FARAHana said...

shopping sempat lak.... Huhuhuhu.. xpe la.. Nak buat camne..

Norwanie said...

Pastu kalau aku dah tak sempat dah nak balik Ipoh, aku tak boleh nak keluar shopping? Aku kena duduk rumah? Tak boleh keluar pergi mana-mana or pergi ambik mak aku?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

dah lepas.. lagipun..silap aku la gak..tak kasik kad kat korang kan.. hehehhehe...lek2 la..aku tertanye2 je.. since takde sape ckp kat aku apasai ko tak dtg..tuh yg aku tanye tuh..kalau ko terase, sorry la.. Aku lagik la terase, wedding aku tak ramai kawan2 aku yg dtg.. tapi aku okey dah.. dah lepas..